We have great pleasure to inform that BatiPlus Polska Company was selected to prestigious group of “Forbes Diamonds 2020″.
Results of “Forbes Diamonds 2020″ ranking are worked out by editorial board of the magazine based upon Swiss method for valuation of company values. Amongst the key criterions, aside to the others, there were financial results for years 2015-2018, property value, payment history and lack of negative legal events. Whereas such details were used for preparation of valuation as the data taking into account, amongst the others: sales level, net profit, value of fixed assets, receivables and investment outlays.
Special report with results of “Forbes Diamonds 2020″ ranking is attached to the periodical Forbes No. 2/2020.
BatiPlus, as a Laureate of Forbes Diamonds, is listed amongst companies mentioned in publication as one of the companies with the highest increase of enterprise value. This is confirmation of our reliability amongst the business partners.

Forbes Diamonds is an annual ranking of enterprises, which within the last three years have increased their values in the most dynamic way. Title of “Forbes Diamonds 2020″ qualified us to the circle of the best companies in the industry on Polish market.
More information can be found under the link to the article in monthly periodical Forbes No. 2/2020: https://www.forbes.pl/diamenty/wizytowki/2020/batiplus-polska