On 13th of September 2019, Investor organized a ceremony of signing of the foundation act and laying the foundation stone for the construction of residential complex called Horyzont Praga in Warsaw, where BatiPlus Company performs the functions of extended, interdisciplinary investor’s supervision. Horyzont Praga is a modern housing estate on Warsaw’s district called Praga Południe, at junction of Rodziewiczówny and Ostrobramska streets.
High building with 18 storeys will feature 164 apartments.
Modern solutions and amenities are applied in the building, such as noiseless elevators, generally accessible bicycle place and 2-storey underground garage with places for electric vehicles. Solutions with ecology in mind include energy saving motion sensors and LED lighting.

Cordia Investor belongs to Futureal group, one of the biggest enterprises in developer’s branch in the Middle Europe. Company is a leader on market in Budapest, where it creates prestigious projects in city centre and suburbs.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Investor, Contractor of Works, future residents and, of course, a team of engineers from BatiPlus. For further information related to the above investment please visit web site of the Investor https://cordiapolska.pl/warszawa/horyzont-praga/